We pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional customer service to you, whilst building a trusted ongoing relationship.
Understanding the complexity and duration of obtaining a loan can be daunting without proper knowledge and guidance. The multitude of forms, the investment of time, and the necessity to decipher financial jargon can be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with the finance sector. This is the very reason Financial Nest came into existence.
Guided by the capable and assured leadership of Satnam Sigh, a seasoned and knowledgeable finance broker, Financial Nest stands out in the field of finance and mortgage broking. Satnam is committed to personally connecting with each client, dedicating himself to the pursuit of a financial solution that is uniquely tailored to individual needs.
Simply give us a call on 0433 669 745
Or email us at sunny@

Our Services
Our dedicated group of brokers is devoted to guiding you every step of the way on your loan journey, from your first inquiry to the final settlement, ensuring you’re well-informed at every phase.
Frequently Asked Questions
Did you know that over 60% of all loans written in Australia are provided through mortgage brokers? This can be quite a surprising statistic, however once you understand the service a mortgage broker provides, it’s perhaps more surprising that the percentage isn’t higher! So, what exactly does a mortgage broker do?
Assess Your Situation
Understanding your current financial situation is the most important step in the lending process. In order to do so, it’s important that the right questions are asked early on so that the application process is a smooth and timely as possible. It is also vital in ensuring you don’t overreach yourself by borrowing too much and placing undue stress upon yourself and your finances.
Compare your loan options
With access to over 50 lenders, we select from hundreds of different loan options to find you those that are ideal for your situation. Not only does this save you the time and effort of approaching the lenders yourself, but you can take comfort in the fact that we know what to look for when speaking to the lenders.
We manage the paperwork for you
Once a loan has been selected, we begin the application process while you sit back and relax. We ensure it is as smooth as possible by undertaking the majority of paperwork ourselves. We liaise with you to compile the necessary documentation, before packaging it up and sending it through to the lender. Once approved, we will see it all the way through to settlement and beyond!
Its a free service
This may seem like a trick, but it’s not. Our service is completely free to the customer. In fact, it is the lenders who pay us through commission, as a mortgage broker saves them from having to market their loan product themselves. It’s a win-win situation.
If you’d like to know more about how we can help freshen up your finances and provide you with a tailor made solution to suit your needs, please contact us today. We will explain what we can offer you and how we can help you with your loan.
We have access to over 90 lending partners to find you a loan that best suits your individual circumstances.